Day 5: Tranquila

Hot Springs
On a trip, sometimes, one’s guard is taken down. New York City teaches us to be very weary of our surrounding wherever we are. But unfortunately, we took the “country” lifestyle a bit too far and ran into a little trouble. Anna ended up getting robbed the night at the bar. I find myself very lucky that my bag wasn’t robbed as our bags were next to each other under the table and we were not by its side. It was an unfortunate matter and we both regretted it. No matter how safe and secure you feel, you should always be aware. It was a mistake that we both learned our lesson that night.
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Day 4: Chance Encounters

Going up to the waterfall canyons
Waterfall rappelling: hiking into a secluded rainforest canyon where a series of rappels descend breathtaking waterfalls and scenic trails carry hikers from one rappel to another.

Before this trip, I’ve never heard of waterfall rappelling. The thought of jumping from rock to rock down a waterfall is indeed exciting. But the moment I saw the steep, slippery rocks and felt the cold water as a chilly breeze swept through the secluded canyon, I was truly reconsidering it. Very much reconsidering it.
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Day 3: Monteverde Massage

Road from Monteverde to La Fortuna
It was another early start to the day! Anna and I were heading off to La Fortuna by way of taxi-boat-taxi, which is exactly as it sounds. A taxi came to pick us up on 8AM and it was packed with people! Anna and I ended up sitting next to the driver, which turned out to be a wise choice as my derriere was a bit sore from the horseback ride and also, the ride turned out to be a bit more nauseating than I could handle. The road of Monteverde is aptly named, “the river with no water”. It bended and undulated at every possible turn, potholes and gravels both large and small filled the dirt path, and at points, we were at the top of the world, while other times, we were in the depths of a valley. If ever I could go to Ireland, I would hope that its rolling hills and winding rivers were as serenely beautiful and majestic.
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Day 2: My Firsts

Sunset in Monteverde, Costa Rica
Santa Elena, Monteverde.

When Anna and I arrived at night, I felt drizzle but nary a cloud existed. I was thoroughly confused. It was mist, Anna said. I talked to my mom and she said it’s the mountain’s dewdrops that clings to your skin until you’re soaked. Did the mountain cry at night for the lost of the sun? Or did it cry because the moon will only have a few hours…a few days a month to see each other?
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Day 1: “Romancing the Stone” Bus Ride

Flying Over Costa Rica
Costa Rica. The strip of land connecting North America to South America, melding the two physically and ecologically. And I was heading there.

I’ve never been south of Barbados so my only experience of a Latin American country are through movies, books, and oral retellings. Of course, I had to watch “Romancing the Stone” and “South Park’s Rainforest Smainforest” episode while packing up for my trip. South Park was recommended by two best friends who are city girls to the core so it was their way to warn me of the dangers that lurk in Costa Rica. However, Anna recommended the prior movie for its romantic and adventurous appeal, which is more to my taste.
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Paris In My Pocket

Paris is as beautiful, dirty, crowded, and wildly romantic as I remembered it. I had hoped to find myself, rediscover what I want, all the things that would stop the pain that I had gone through. But then what can you expect in less than a week? So instead, I refocused on just relaxing, enjoying my time, spending quality time with my friend, and just seeing things. I walked from one end of Paris to the other. I took a street that I didn’t know and got lost. I walked what seemed like endless miles of cobblestones in small alley ways to asphalt cement of large boulevards.
Paris street
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