Lobster Chorizo Stir Fry

For the past week, New York City seems to have been encased in an ice box. With Friday’s light snow gripping the frozen cement, the weekend was an excuse to stay in bed and keep warm. However, that wasn’t to be so. Sunday morning was the New York Half Marathon and since my boyfriend decided that he would run, I moseyed out of Queens to support him at the end of the race.

The city is ghostly cold with one or two people walking and a handful of cabs running up and down Upper East Side. Where the race ends, I walked through the fashionable streets where Tom Ford, Asprey, Gucci, and Ralph Lauren resided.
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Lamb Chorizo Dirty Rice Mix

This past weekend, which was absolutely beautiful compared this week which has been below freezing (I’m thankful there has been no snow, which would have made the work week miserable), my roommate and I were planning to go to a knitting store down by Union Square. When we got out the train, the smell of fresh seafood and hustle and bustle of the Greenmarket lured us in. We walked around, tasted bites, and envied those people who were buying loads of apple donuts.
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Mint Tea

Mint tea is something I’ve grown to love whenever I go to a Moroccan restaurant, specifically Cafe Mogador. My friend showed me it’s really simple to make and you can make it hot or cold depending on season.
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Snow Crab and Asparagus Risotto

I am one of those typical Asians who grew up eating rice all my life. I could not imagine not having rice for an entire week. When I went to Italy for over two weeks, all I had was pasta and meat and I was getting homesick and tired of the food. When I finally got to Venice, I tried the seafood risotto at the famous Antico Dolo. It was like home all over again! Granted, the rice grains were short and al dente and it had that cheesy butter taste, it was still great to have rice again.
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Steamed Egg

A lot of time, many of my recipes are halved or used very little egg. And I’m left with all this egg! I couldn’t possibly throw it away! So I normally save the egg to make steamed egg. I find it’s the poor people food because it’s mostly water.

My mom makes this all the time when she didn’t know what to make.


  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • several pinches of salt (some people put a crap load but I like only a hint of salt)

Additional ingredients:
half a stalk of scallion
baby carrots (I always have baby carrots with me)

Steamed Egg

You can steam it on the stove in bake safe bowl over simmering water for 15 minutes or cover and put in microwave for 1.5 minutes high.
Steamed Egg

Spicy Tuna Stuffed in Panko Crusted Squid

One of the things I love about tuna is that it can taste like meat if you cook it right. So when I originally tried this menu Spicy Tuna Stuffed Squid Tempura by Jennifer Yu of Use Real Butter (by the way, she has AWESOME photos on her website!), I thought, wow, it was amazing! It tasted just like dumpling fillings that my roommate always make using pork and chive. I recommend trying out the original recipe (fried and all!)

I’ve been on a healthy kick diet, refraining from fried and buttery food but I was just craving this dish!

So I thought, well, what if I used less flour with more panko and baked it! Tada!

So follow the instruction from Use Real Butter. I abstained by adding mayo because I absolutely hate it with a passion. And I didn’t realize I ran out of sriracha sauce, I used chili garlic sauce, and halved the recipe since I wasn’t paying attention when I bought the squid, thinking, wow, what a great price I got…it’s because they are tiny. But (!) since they are smaller, they were easier to cut and much softer to chew on.
Spicy Tuna Stuffed in Panko Crusted Squid

I rubbed the squid in egg, and 1/8 cup of flour, 1/4 cup of panko, and some cajun spice for a nice kick. I set it to bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes.
Spicy Tuna Stuffed in Panko Crusted Squid

Spicy Tuna Stuffed in Panko Crusted Squid

If you’re wondering what to do with the egg, don’t throw it out! Use it again to make steamed eggs!
Steamed Egg

Fire Roasted Vegetables

Living so close to Costco has been amazing and difficult. Amazing that food is so available but difficult with what I want but can’t/shouldn’t have. The task with living in New York is carting everything back and finding places to store them. How does one bring it back? I’ve yet to use what I call the “grandma cart” to haul everything back so items must be purchased sensibly.
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